Thursday, August 16, 2007

Q.S. 2 Alkanes – Simple Questions (S.Q.S. 1)

1. What happens to boiling point of alkanes as molecular mass increases?
2. What happens to boiling point of branched isomers of alkanes?
3. Under what conditions does monochlorination of methane take place?
4. What is the `reaction in Kolbe Electrolytic method of preparing alkanes?
5. What are the reactants and products in hydrolysis of Grignard reagent?
6. In the case of halogenation of alkanes, what is order of reactivity among chlorine, fluorine, and bromine?
7. At ordinary temperatures, why is ultraviolet radiation required to initiate a reaction between halogens and alkanes?
8. What do you understand by 1 degree H, 2 degree H and 3 degree H?
9. What is the difference in reactions between an alkane and fluorine and an alkane and bromine?
10. What is the major product in reaction between bromine and n-butane?
11. What are the products of reaction between n-butane and chlorine at room temperature and sunlight?
12. How do you get iso-butane from n-butane?
13. When do you get aromatic compounds from alkanes?
14. What is the more common name of Methane?
15. What is % composition of Methane in coal gas?
16. How do you produce methane from aluminium chloride?
17. What are the reactants and products of Wurtz reaction?

Answer these questions. This will help you to answer other complex ways of asking questions like MCQs, multiple matching, passage based questions and fact & cause questions.


Learn Indian Tunes said...

these are the most probable questions asked in viva!!!!

Learn Indian Tunes said...

please put up probable questions asked in jee